Saturday 25 January 2014

Outstanding Coincidences of Certain Words

There are certain words in the English language which have outstanding coincidences.
Look at the following words.

LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.
HATE has 4 letters so does LOVE.
ENEMIES has 7 letters so does FRIENDS.
LYING has 5 letters so does TRUTH.
HURT has 4 letters so does HEAL.
NEGATIVE has 8 letters so does POSITIVE.
FAILURE has 7 letters so does SUCCESS.
BELOW or UNDER has 5 letters, but so does ABOVE.
CRY has 3 letters so does JOY.
ANGER has 5 letters so does HAPPY.
RIGHT has 5 letters so does WRONG.
RICH has 4 letters so does POOR.
FAIL has 4 letters so does PASS
KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters so does IGNORANCE.
JESUS has 5 letters so does SATAN

Are they all just coincidences?
We often find these words in blogs or magazine or facebook etc which gives the message as follows:-

“WE should choose wisely, Life is like a double-edged sword.
WE should always choose the better side of Life”

If I wrote
MOSQUE has 6 letters so does CHURCH.
QURAN has 5 letters so does BIBLE.

Would we still say that Life is like a double-edged sword?
WE should always choose the better side of Life. Yes but which one?

Now look at these words
MANDIR and TEMPLE has 6 letters so does CHURCH and so does MOSQUE.

Would we still say that Life is like a double-edged sword?
WE should always choose the better side of Life. Yes but which one?

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