Wednesday 8 July 2015

Murti Pooja

Certain followers of religious faiths have strong feelings against murti pooja (loosely interpreted as idol worship.)

They often make a case study to the Hindus as to why they are wrong to worship so.

My worship of God through murti pooja makes some people angry, intolerant and show hatred through condemnation, teasing and taunting.

My worship through murti pooja makes them arrogant in thinking that their worship is superior and brings out their ego, pride and false prestige.

They say we worship a false God and is therefore a sin.

They say it makes God jealous and wrathful.

Many say they must fight against this moorti pooja and seek to deface, destroy and vandalise our murtis. 

The sad thing is it makes some of them want to kill us and some have.

Let me tell you why I worship God through murtis and images.

My faith in God through murti pooja makes me Love God and my fellow humans.

It guides me to perform good deeds, good actions, become compassionate, charitable, tolerant and forgiving.

My faith in God through murti pooja elevates me spiritually and strengthens my self-control.

My faith in God through murti pooja helps me to give respect to all, speak truthfully and be free me from hatred and envy.

Above all it brings ananda, bliss and happiness.

Murti pooja is to live in godliness.

Through Murti pooja you experience God in all His forms.

Through Murti pooja you experience God in all His Glory.

Many a saints and Gurus have experienced God through Murti pooja.

The noblest way to worship God is through Murti pooja.



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